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Concentration Statement

Most of my pieces are table pieces that can be viewed in the round; I want them to be the centerpiece at any table. Each piece was inspired by (as well as, specifically designed for) the dessert it holds. For most of my projets I used a neutral color, but added a pop of color for emphasis. (1,2) were designed to hold french macarons.This piece has a distinct front and back. I wanted to focus on asymmetrical balance in this piece, as well as creating a very geometrical form with distinct edges. A white glaze contrasted the brightly colored macarons and highlighted by a gold leaf stain. I realized that my projects should be more interesting from all angles. In (3,4) the shape of the cannoli shell was replicated, I chose a soft blue glaze to contrast the cannoli. For (7,8) I made a wall piece using non-perishable desserts that could be displayed for a longer period of time. I mimicked the chocolates’ wrapper colors for the glaze and stain. For (9,10) a kids toy was my inspiration, I made interchangeable tops, three tops to go with the three layers of the rainbow cookie each glazed for that color. For the last project (11,12) I decided to flip the original upside down and I found it to be more interesting with the biscotti elevated from the table. With creating these projects, I found a way to incorporate two passions into one.

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